Here you will find posts about, my struggles, my thoughts, what I am doing, where I am going, cool people I have met, and just cool stuff in general I did throughout the day.

I will post daily! Also I will definitely put pictures up about very interesting things, like what I have seen, what I have done, who I have met, and other pictures!

Stay tuned and make sure to keep in contact with me and up to date on my life in Belgium as I move on into a completely different culture!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Brussels... Chyeah!

So yeah good night in brussels for one of my oldies birthday he's from Australia and is sad because the Kiwis lost in the Rugby World Cup but now the final match is tomorrow and its the All Blacks (New Zealand) and France... Rugby is huge here in Belgium. And everyone is excited and I am starting to understand Rugby now a little and also I am developing an accent a little british because they speak with a british accent here they learn british english "mum" for example sooooo kinda a bit hard for me eh? But its all good cuz I could have not asked for better friends in my life!!!! FUNNIEST, BEST, NICEST, MOST FUN PEOPLE you could ever be with! I LOVE BELGIUM!

Last night I went to liege to hang out with a lot of my friends and it was really fun! yeh soooo. and Today I went to brussels to celebrate my friends 19th birthday and there was about 35 people there just for him hah i can't wait for my birthday talk about one big party :) with soda. sooo yeah and also good night thats all I can really explain good night idk just fun chilling out walking around Brussels eating chocolate covered waffles with strawberries and bananas and whipped cream.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Last weekend I was SUPPOSED to go to David Guetta!!!! I had planned it with me friends since the beginning of September when I bought my ticket but after I bought my ticket 3 weeks later, everyone gets an email saying... you can't go to David Guetta because its the nightlife its not what Belgium is about and because the owner of the concert owns nightclubs...... that was the reason..... because the owner of the concert who set it all up owns some night clubs.... YOU CAN IMAGINE HOW MAD I WAS!!!!!!! I bought my ticket with my own money and after everyone bought theirs the head of the districts said no! So I want them to pay me back since I didn't get to go.... its only fair since it was 50 Euros... (A lot for an exchange student...)

But I had a great weekend anyway because I ended up going to Switzerland with a friend and my Host family!!!! It wasn't for a good reason though, my host family had friends that were climbing a mountain while it was snowing him and his wife and they must have fell and they 2 fridays ago and they didn't find the bodies until monday or tuesday.... after the snow melted the bodies were under it. :( SO SO SO SAD! I give my condolences to them! But Friday after school we drove there 6 hrs in car... then we got there at 11:45 ish and we went to bed at a friends house. Saturday morning we drove in car another hour to the funeral in Vevey Switzerland a VERY VERY VERY pretty part of Switzerland with the biggest lake in Europe. Saturday was a sad day for my parents...

Sunday was the best! We hiked a mountain and went to the top where the charley is (idk how to spell it...) its a house that host ski clients and mountain clients so you can go with guides skiing or climbing. IT WAS SO SICK! Beautiful I want to live there!

And that was my weekend oh then I got to miss Monday of school because we drove back so good week :) East France is pretty too! We drove through it...

Here are pictures of Switzerland or as they call it (SUISSE)-----