Here you will find posts about, my struggles, my thoughts, what I am doing, where I am going, cool people I have met, and just cool stuff in general I did throughout the day.

I will post daily! Also I will definitely put pictures up about very interesting things, like what I have seen, what I have done, who I have met, and other pictures!

Stay tuned and make sure to keep in contact with me and up to date on my life in Belgium as I move on into a completely different culture!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Fun to Done...

Yesterday I had one of the best days here! I WENT ZIP LINING! Never been before but it was really amazing and I did a ropes course that really wore me out to the point of passing out but everything was good it was too extreme and I got back to my house literally done! I had soccer but I couldn't go because I was too warn out!

TODAY was great meeting all of the inbounds, outbounds, and Oldies (Exchange students who've been here for almost a year already!) We went to Brussels and walked around took some pictures and checked out their Parliament which is a mess right now! The Speaker of the House came and talked to us also! I met everyone in belgium in the rotary about! Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bolivia, Columbia, and so on all the way to Venezuela! There were about 400 more or less I am bad with numbers but A LOT of people and about 80 Americans there idk but it was cool! Kinda boring just walking around and standing for 12 hours but you got used to it... Then we ate lunch which was french fries and meatballs in a nice restaurant the specialty of belgium! YUMMY!

But now I am tired and it is 9 pm here almost and were having pizza tonight for dinner :) they have a brick oven! AIGHT and tomorrow LIEGE with my friends and family. EXCITED! And a party tomorrow night and again Monday or Tuesday I think! DANG I LOVE THIS PLACE!

And now some pictures of where we went today on my Iphone because I forgot my camera...

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